Monday, August 17, 2009

"Head in the Clouds"

Most people who see this drawing think it's a young's a young man in a leather jacket. One of my favorite works of art. Colored pencil drawing in my passion. And, yet, I haven't drawn, seriously drawn, in years. I'm getting frustrated with myself because I get side tracked with other things and don't allow myself the joy of drawing.

Today I was able to get quite a bit of stuff done around the house. Cleaned a tiny bit in the upstairs bedroom that will one day become my studio...once again. Took out a huge bag of garbage and there's so much more in there! It's so disgusting! Boys are disgusting! Now, I'm suffering with back pain. ARG!

Well, back to work. Hope you're all having a great week!


  1. You drew this?! I can't imagine having that much talent. I hope you are successful at making time for yourself and this wonderful gift you have!

  2. Terri, it's wonderful!
    hugs, Annie- the Netherlands

  3. What a beautiful drawing. Love this piece. You are quite the artist.
