Thursday, April 8, 2010

Allen Design Studio is having another wonderful Goody Give Away! Go to:

It's been a long time since I've added to my blog. Sorry about that!

Tuesday I received my copy of Diana Trout's "Journal Spilling" book. I'm so excited! I haven't had much time to look through it, but what I've seen so far is amazing and so inspiring! If you want more information check out her blog at:

It's been a very busy week. Aunt Billie (aka: Auntie Funny Fun) was visiting for about a week. She stayed with Mom and Dad so I didn't have to clean my house. Cuz...we all know that's not going to happen! Love you Auntie Funny Fun, but I don't clean house for anyone...not even if the President was coming for coffee. He'd have to step around my clutter stacks just like everyone else. HA! We went to Spirit Mountain Casino on Monday. I did good as long as I stayed next to my Mom. She was my good luck charm. But, when they headed for home, so did my luck! Hee hee hee! Well, I didn't lose all that I took so that was a good day! Auntie Funny Fun won nicely...she always does! But, she bets bigger than I do which is why she wins bigger than I do!

Tomorrow, Friday, Sissy Cathie will be driving Mom, Dad, and ME to visit our Sissy Sandi in Camas, WA. I'll need to stop at the bank so I have lunch money to put in an envelope and pin to my jacket, just like grade school days! Saturday, I'll be going back into Portland to visit my friend, Linda. She's recovering from surgery and is doing exceptionally well! Praise God! Sunday, I'm planning on sleeping in and when I get out of bed just working on a project or reading "Journal Spilling" and getting ideas for new projects. After all, the techniques and ideas that are in that book can easily be used in so many other areas of creative expression!

Well, that's it for now. Have a great weekend and Hugs!